Crich: Photos with me!

by - 08:18

I finally got hold of the photos my mum took of me while we were at Crich. Unfortunately, some of them were... less than flattering... so I've picked three of the best.

I also had my photo taken by several photographers, two of which gave me their card so that I can see the photos. They aren't available yet, but I will keep checking back on the photographers' websites until  they are.

crich tramway museum home front re-enactment via lovebirds vintage

crich tramway museum home front re-enactment via lovebirds vintage

Above: Dibs on being the next companion.

crich tramway museum home front re-enactment via lovebirds vintage

I don't actually dance although I would love to learn. Quite a few of the people there did know how though, so I got a bit of a go anyway.

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