
Crich Tramway Museum 1940s Weekend Part 1

by - 12:03

The 1940s weekend at Crich was amazing! I went for the Saturday with my mum and had a whale of a time. It's the first event of this sort that I've been to, but it definitely won't be the last!

My uniform looked really good, although it was less than authentic compared to a lot that I saw. I still think it gave the idea though, which is the main thing.

We were issued with identity cards and ration books on entry, which we then had to keep with us in case we were asked to prove we weren't enemy spies.

crich tramway museum home front re-enactment via lovebirds vintage

crich tramway museum home front re-enactment via lovebirds vintage

They'd got things set up in different parts of the site and you could go and speak to the re-enactors about the history behind it.

crich tramway museum home front re-enactment via lovebirds vintage

Part of the British Army camp.

crich tramway museum home front re-enactment via lovebirds vintage

Watch out for the UXB!

The pub was serving wartime meals but we'd packed up spam sandwiches and ginger beer. Everyone at the pub seemed to be having a great time though, and were entertained by a gentleman with an accordion. 

crich tramway museum home front re-enactment via lovebirds vintage

Some of the outfits were really fantastic. I'd love at some point to try and get hold of a nurse's uniform like the lady in the middle in this next photo:

crich tramway museum home front re-enactment via lovebirds vintage

The weather stayed nice for the whole day as well, which was a bonus!

Part 2 coming soon.

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