Style Me Vintage

by - 14:56

style me vintage via lovebirds vintage

I went shopping today and finally picked up a copy of Style Me Vintage. I've seen quite a few other people blogging about it and I read quite a few blogs of the models/bloggers featured in the book so I already knew it would be worth a look.

The book is lovely inside with many beautiful photos and pictures. It covers the 1920s to the 1980s, so as well as finding out more about the decades I am actively interested in, I will also be able to find out a bit more about the fashion in the decades either side. For each decade there is a list of items you can wear to create your desired look, and the book also features hair styling and makeup tips and tutorials. There is also a lot of really useful information on how to shop for and care for vintage clothing.

It might not be a book to read cover to cover (although I probably will read it cover to cover), but it makes a really nice reference book for anyone with an interest in vintage clothing. 

style me vintage via lovebirds vintage

Above: gorgeous picture of Annie Pancake from the 1920s section of the book.

I'm sure I will find myself referring to it often, even if only to look at the pictures. I am also looking forward to checking off items on the shopping lists for the decades I'm most interested in, partially to see how many of the items I actually already own, and also with a view to buying the items I don't own. The other thing I will without a doubt be using is the list of online vintage shops, as vintage shops in my area are few and far between.

We also stopped for coffee in a coffee shop I've never been in before. It's an independent family-run shop, and certainly has that kitschy kind of artsy feel to it. I had a white chocolate mocha (I know!) and they have written their table numbers on old books. 

coffee via lovebirds vintage

coffee via lovebirds vintage

coffee via lovebirds vintage

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  1. I've never heard of that book, but it looks pretty cool! I'll have to try to check it out, too!
