T-straps and petticoat

by - 10:00

vintage girl via lovebirds vintage

Jumper and skirt - Primark | Underskirt - Matalan | Stockings - Ann Summers | Shoes - Deichmann
Hair flower - can't remember, high street somewhere | Brooch - gift

vintage girl via lovebirds vintage

treble clef brooch via lovebirds vintage

vintage girl via lovebirds vintage

A couple of weeks ago the roses on the rose arch started blooming but to begin with there were only one or two flowers. Then a few days later they all came out; they seemed to all flower overnight. We have white on one side and pink on the other, but the pink ones flower later in the year. You don't really get the full effect of them from this angle so at some point I might have to take a photo from my bedroom window so you can see how many there are.

It started raining just as I was taking these photos so I had to rush and get them done before it got going too much - actually it didn't amount to much in the end but did result in this silly photo:

vintage girl via lovebirds vintage

"Ummm, do you mind?"

Anyway, this is one of my better outfits from recently. I'm nearing the end of my current university course so most days at the moment are spent working in the lab (practical, comfortable clothes only) and/or at home working on coursework and my thesis (so I feel less inclined to dress in anything very nice). I try really hard to get out of the house at least once a day though, even if its only for a short walk up to the supermarket and back. Otherwise I really end up going a bit mad! I'm off on holiday for two weeks next month (as long as no major disasters happen with my research before then) which will be a welcome break, apart from having to take my thesis with me to keep working on. 

See you soon!

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  1. You look lovely in that outfit, so elegant! The rose arch is beautiful too.
